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Video made in preparation of participation to the Cybathlon 2020 Global edition. Unfortunately, in the end we had to cancel our participation due to the Corona measures. 

NWO movie

Movie made by NWO about the Symbitron+ exoskeleton and the Reboocon prosthetic knee.

Ted-X talk

Arvid Keemink gave talk titled 'Enabling new steps with exoskeletons' during the TEDx Erasmus University Rotterdam.

News article Tubantia

The Tubantia newspaper wrote an article and made a video about our pilot Niek and the exoskeleton, which can be found here.

The symbitron+ Exoskeleton

Training for the Cybathlon

Exoskeleton Pilot Niek de Jonge tells about the training sessions for the Cybathlon, a race for exoskeletons.

Video about the SYMBITRON plus team 

item on symbitron exoskeleton for NU.nl

Report on TV Enschede FM (march 1, 2018)

Opening of the Wearable Robotics Lab