Prof. Massimo Sartori received an ERC Proof of Concept (PoC) grant based on the work conduced as part of the ERC Starting Grant INTERACT. This PoC grant is based on the work done with INTERACT Project PhD candidate Rafael Ornelas-Kobayashi. It will lead to a new neuro-robotic framework for post-stroke rehabilitation, with an emphasis on the leg:
Abstract: RE-SPINE develops a real-time neuro-robotic platform for lower limb rehabilitation. Motor recovery following neuromuscular injuries is often sub-optimal. A key barrier hampering progress is that current neurorehabilitation robots interact with the human with limited knowledge of their effect on critical neuromuscular targets.
RE-SPINE addresses this challenge by proposing a platform that integrates a stationary robotic ankle exoskeleton with a non-invasive spinal cord electrical stimulation system. This platform generates electrical and mechanical stimuli non-invasively, which are directed to spinal motor neurons and innervated muscle fibers, with precision not considered before.
RE-SPINE combines non-invasive biosignal recording and numerical modelling to decode the cellular activity of spinal motor neurons, with the resulting mechanical forces generated by innervated muscle fibers. In this way, residual spinal motor neuron activity is translated into biomechanical force, which is subsequently used to enable volitional and continuous control of a stationary robotic ankle exoskeleton across a wide range of joint rotations, which could not be otherwise achieved without neuro-robotic support. Concurrently, decoded spinal motor neuron activity is used to command spinal cord electrical stimulation patterns that modulate spinal excitability and neuronal synchronization, ultimately for enhancing volitional control of the own leg. Over time, the integrated effects of neuro-controlled electrical and mechanical stimulation promote positive neuro-plastic changes, which are required for gaining an integral motor recovery after injury, with potentials for disrupting current robotic systems for rehabilitation.
Lab: Neubotics Lab